Hello world, hope you're listening

Forgive me if I'm young

For speaking out of turn

There's someone I've...

*looks around*

Oh hey there! If you have somehow stumbled across this blog, please stay! I swear to you I'm not a crazy teenage girl. Well, I admit, I am a writer. You know, those people who feed you lies, make you see things in your head. Yep, I'm one of them. But I'm also a reader. In fact, I love to read. Books are the key to knowledge and power. It's paradise in the form of page after page after page.

If you share my love for writing and books, then Obscured Reality is the 'write' place for you. Hehe, yeah I know I'm corny.

I have so many blogs, it's seriously not funny. When I'm not writing, reading, tripping over my own two feet, having a bad hair day, getting bullied by two year-olds or listening to music, I like to look at other people's blogs. Especially people who write, because they're amazingly awesome.

I never actually have the time to blog. But I want to be a blogger. I want people to comment on my blogs and I want to be able to share my love of reading and writing with the world. Sounds crazy, right? Well, I kinda gave up thinking I was normal a long long time ago.

There are a lot of things that I hope to go over here on this blog. I listen to a lot of music. I mean, without music, I think I would die. So, if I come across a song that I like to listen to when writing or if you're just looking for great songs, I'll keep my ears open for you.

Also, since I am a young adult, I read YA. This blog is mainly focused on young adult writers and young adult books. But I am a huge fan of literary fiction, you know, like Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, all the books that English teachers assign that students usually hate. Yep, I told you I was weird.

If you're an adult with young children and you don't know what books out there that is appropriate for them to read, I'll recommend a book every once in a while. And if I'm lucky, I might be able to do interviews. Well, I'm not a lucky person so who knows? But I do happen to converse with a few awesome writers from time to time, so maybe they'll agree to letting me interrogate them.

I don't hope to win any awards for having a freakishly awesome blog, but I do hope that people will stop by, leave comments, opinions, etc. If you comment and I don't reply, it's not because I'm mean or anything, I just might not be able to get to it.

And if I know you either personally or virtually and you want to guest blog or something, I'll set up an email account where you can send me messages or whatever, just to let me know.

Have a wonderful day everyone!

* lyrics at the top of the page are to Come Home by OneRepublic.